Since July, the University has been allowing a limited number of in-person human subjects research projects to resume following the process outlined here: Procedures: Request to Conduct In-Person Human Subjects Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Thus far, only on-campus research has been permitted. The University is now allowing researchers to request to conduct research at non-Penn State locations. All in-person research, regardless of location, must be approved through InfoReady. All research that can be performed remotely should continue remotely.
A few reminders:
- The approval process in InfoReady is required for all in-person human subjects research, regardless of IRB review level; research cannot commence without committee approval from the OSVPR.
- This approval is separate from IRB approval, since the focus is on precautions related to COVID-19.
- Researchers wishing to conduct in-person research must demonstrate strong rationale for meeting with participants face-to-face during the pandemic.
- We ask that leadership continue to be discerning and judicious in the research they approve.
Please see the Revised Standards and the IRB website for additional information. We ask that associate deans for research work with their college and campus leadership to implement this process in their units, including communicating with your researchers.